Monday, July 16, 2012

Our Week

I made and blogged about...
Sebastian loved them...I gave the rest to Dave to take in to his co-workers. 
We went to Toy-R-Us and Sebastian got to meet Jeffrey the Giraffe.
Sebastian pulled one of our newly sprouted tomatoes off of our tomatoes plant, so I decided to cut it open to see what it looked like.
I couldn't find one of Sebastian shoes on Wednesday and after looking everywhere and I mean everywhere in cabinets, behind couches, in closets, outside, in the bushes, in his little toy draw thingies, and then it hit me...the trash can!!! My son has an obsession with throwing things away, and sure enough, there it was, along with all of this other stuff. 
Sebastian fell asleep on the swings yesterday morning! 
The Hallmark Channel was doing a Christmas in July marathon weekend and my husband, being the Christmas freak he is, DVR'ed everything. So we decided to also celebrate Christmas in July and watched all those cheesy x-mas movies. 
 Sebastian danced to some Christmas music!!!

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