Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy (belated) 4th of July

I know I'm a little late...sorry, I've been a bit busy lately. We went to the Leesburg parade and then to my dads house to celebrate my little brothers 15th birthday. 
 On our way to find a good spot.
 Found a nice spot, in the shade. 
 Played while waiting for the parade to start. 
 Still waiting...
Okay, it's starting to get hot out here, when is this thing going to START!!!
Seriously...we're going to have a melt down in 3...2...1!
Daddy for the rescue. 
 Finally...Jeez, I don't think I've ever been happier to see cops! 

 The birthday boy!!!
Can a sister get a smile? 
On a side note, during our morning walk today, Sebastian went up to this house to do what he does best...collect rocks of course. He was standing right next to the white pipe coming out of the ground. I went to get him out of their yard, looked up and found...
these looking back at me!!! Scared the HELL out of me. But, they were completely still, not moving at all. I guess they were sleeping for something because they didn't even notice us. 

I hope you had a great 4th of favorite summer holiday!!!

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