Sunday, July 1, 2012

Macaroni Playtime

With the weather being soooooooooooooooooo hot lately, it's been hard to spend a lot of time outside so I'm always trying to think of fun and educational things for Sebastian to do. I don't know if this is considered educational but he sure did have a great time and it kept him busy for a good half-n-hour. Please make note when I started this fun little adventure I has hoping it would be a nice and controlled one with no mess to clean up afterwards. Boy was I wrong, just scroll down, you'll see. 
 Well let's just go ahead and dump these out. 
 Are there anymore in there???
 Hmmm...let's see they're hard, crunchy, and don't taste like anything.  
 Let's go ahead and get rid of these cups.
 Still hard and crunchy...
 Things are starting to get out of control!!!
This is when I realized there was no hope in this being a controlled and not messy project .  
Hmmm...maybe the ones of the ground taste different then the ones on the table. 

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