Monday, June 25, 2012

What We Did Last Week

These darn wasps...we finally broke down and called an exterminator which was a total waste of time. He couldn't find the wasp nest, even when I pointed out where I thought it was, right on the other side of our fence, which is common grounds so he couldn't do anything about it. I think Dave and I will have to be the exterminators ourselves...wish us luck, we're going to need it!!!
I made and blogged about Cinnamon Sugar Popcorn
and Dave's Twice Baked Potatoes
and this delicious Monkey Bread!!!

We liked Pina Coladas but didn't get caught in the rain.

Sebastian played with his sprinkler ball. 
I made Bulgogi with Hawaiian Fried Rice.
We played at the park.  
Sebastian likes to wear Dave's sun glasses. 
  We fed the ducks and geese.   
There were a lot of them!!!
Dave chased after Sebastian, while I took pictures. :)
My tomatoes are finally starting to grow!!!
Sebastian and I went to Andrea's house for dinner and I got to see my Buggins Huggins. 
Sebastian and Ava got to catch up on some overdue play time!!!
I love, love, love this video!!!

I hope you had a great week also.

Oh...and one last thing, I'm going to start doing quotes of the week. Here's one from last week:

Dave to Sebastian "Come on dude, are we gonna watch Doc McStuffins or what?" 
If you have kids that watch the Disney Jr channel, then you'll know who Doc McStuffins is!!!

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