Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Unbeef Sandwich

My husband made these for me, for the first time, years ago. And every time summer rolls around I just can't get enough of these guys. They are, the best grilled chicken sandwich I have ever had, in my life! He got the recipe from a restaurant he worked at in Kentucky, I don't remember the name. The first time he made them, we had a bunch of leftovers and he chopped them out and made chicken salad, which was almost as good as the sandwich. If you're looking for a summer time grilled chicken sandwich, then this is the one!!! Let me know what you think. If you like it, pin it. 

What You'll Need
4 chicken cutlets 
1 1/2 cups pineapple juice
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 light sodium soy sauce 
1 Tbsp ground ginger
4 slices Swiss cheese
4 pineapple rings
Pepperidge Farm Onion Rolls 
*Note: If you're cooking for more people just buy as much chicken as you need and make sure you have enough cheese and pineapple rings to cover each piece of chicken. Also, you can use whatever buns you like, we just love onion rolls.  
In large bowl, whisk together the pineapple juice, soy sauce, brown sugar and ginger. Whisk until the brown sugar has dissolved. This make a lot of marinade.
Place the chicken into a large Ziploc bag and pour the marinade over the chicken. 
Refrigerate for at least 6 hour. 
Because we have a charcoal grill my husband is the grill master in our family. Partiality because I don't like to smell all that smoke you get when you grill with charcoal and because I'm a little afraid of the coals themselves. What!?! Well, one could fall and land on my foot or something! If we had a gas grill, I would the grill master. 

Grill the chicken until it is cook through and grill the pineapple until they are warm. Place the pineapple  rings on top the chicken. 

Then top them with the Swiss cheese.
Let the cheese melt and wallah your sandwich is ready to be assembled and eaten. 
We serve ours with lettuce, tomato and red onion. 

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