Monday, August 6, 2012

Our Week

Here's what we did last week...I made and blogged about
Shrimp Scampi Pasta with Sun Dried Tomatoes
Chuck Roast with Awesome Gravy
Lemon Whipper Snappers
and 5 Ingredient Ravioli Lasagna.
I made some sugar cookies to celebrate the start of football. 
We enjoyed the nice weather and played outside almost all day everyday!!!
I did a lot of this, while Sebastian played!!!
I made homemade play dough...more on that to come!

Quote of the week
Dave: Honey, the preseason has officially began. You know what that means right? 
Me: What?
Dave: You are, once again, a football widow.
Me: Oh...thanks for informing me! 
Dave: Well, don't worry, you'll get me back at the end of February. 

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