So we started “sleep training” Sebastian when he was about 6 months old and he usually goes down without making a peeps (well not all the time). Every once in a while he’ll cry for a little bit, but it will only last about 50 to 60 seconds before he’ll stop and fell asleep.
Sunday he was just not himself. He either wanted to be held or played with all day. His nap, which usually last about 2 to 2 ½ hours, only lasted 1 hour…ugh. So after dealing with a cranky baby all day when 8 o'clock rolled around it was definitely bed time.
Dave put him to bed and he started cry as soon as he put him down. After about 2 minutes of hearing him cry I decided to go in and check on him. I hugged and kissed him until he was calm and then I left. Well…you guessed it, he started crying before I even got out of the room!
After about 90 second of crying and he had fallen asleep. Once a half an hour had passed I went in to check on him and to put the blanket, he kicked off during his screaming fit, back on him. And that is when I discovered the dreaded throw up!!! Now when I say throw up, I don’t mean he spit up a little bit, I mean throw up.`
It was everywhere…all over the carpet, the crib, the blankets, and the sheet and all over him. I called for Dave and we started the clean up process. We quickly yet quietly clean up the mess. I took Sebastian out of this crib to change him into new PJ. After realizing my hands were very cold I had switch cleaning duties with Dave and began scrubbing the carpet and cleaning off the crib. We did all this without waking him up!!! Needless to say Sunday night was an adventure to say the least.
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