Sunday, February 5, 2012


Aprons…my new found obsession!!!  I’m not sure when it started but for the last few months, every time I have a couple extra minutes to myself I find that I’m online searching for cute and classic aprons.  I’m don’t quite know where this obsession came from it’s either because of my love for the 50’s (my absolute favorite era). Were the men went off to work and the women stay home to cook, clean and take care of the kids, it was just a simpler time back then. Also, I must say the fashion in the 50’s is just so classic and will never go out of style (in my opinion as least). That combined with the fact that come April I’ll find myself to be a stay at home mom to our 1 year old little boy.    

I recently bought my first apron for target (above) and although it is very cute I can’t help but think about getting another I have my eye one.  It’s a little more pricier that this one, it’s a must have.  Here's the link for this apron

Check out my Pinterest board on some must have aprons!!!

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