Friday, February 10, 2012

Processed Food

So my sister and I are always on the look out for any new, up and coming diets and have been on a non process food kick lately.  So when she told me I had to check out this video a friend of hers posted on FB, from the Huffington Post, about processed food I had to watch it. 

It was a video on two people.  The first person ate Top Ramen noodles, Gatorade and gummy bears.  The second ate homemade ramen noodle, Hibiscus Gatorade Tea and homemade juice gummy bears. They both swallowed these little tiny capsule cameras to follow the food thought their stomach and intestinal tracks.

The footage shows how the bodies digest the no processed, homemade food much easier and faster then the processed food.  Did you know that Gatorade put a chemical in their drink to make it blue and because it is a trade secret the USDA doesn’t require they to release the chemical compound to the public?!?!

About a year or so ago we watch this movie call “Food, Inc”, if you haven’t seen it I highly suggest you do.  Warning: You will never look at food the same way again!!!


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