Friday, January 25, 2013

Almost Five Guys Burger

Like most people I love Five Guys but I can't eat there very often. I feel that a Five Guys burger should only be consumed on a rare occasions and no more then 4 times a year. I know this might sound a tat bit crazy to most people because they do have the BEST burgers. But I'm very weird about certain foods and their burgers give me crazy anxiety. Now don't laugh, I'm being serious, I can't help it. :) 

I'm dedicating this post to my little sister Erin because of her love for burgers. 

 What you'll need: Buns, Beef, Butter and Salt
Roll the ground beef into 1/4 pound balls and place on parchment paper or plastic wrap. Make sure that the ball have plenty of space in between them. Cover with another piece of parchment paper and use a rolling bin to flatten. Don't worry if the burger patties are not perfect circle. Just make sure you flatten them to about 1/2 an inch.
 Sprinkle the patties with salt.
Put the burger, salted side down, in a hot skillet (somewhere between medium to medium-high) you don't want it to be too hot because it will start to smoke, and then your smoke detectors will start to go off and scare your toddler. And then you'll have to open your windows on the coldest day in your town in 4 years and you'll start to freeze. Also, you'll let all those nasty stink bugs in your house...just saying, you know, in case that happens to you!   
Then salt the other side. 
While the burger cooks, you'll need to try to avoid being pelted my magnets, keep your toddler from touching the uncooked meet on the counter and keep him from opening the fridge.  
 Flip the burger after 4 to 5 minutes, you want to make sure the burger is nice and browned. 
While your burgers are cooking, turn you broil on and  butter your buns (hahah)! 
Put your buns, butter side up, in the oven and let them brown up a little. 
Add what every it is that you like and enjoy. 

1 lb ground beef
hamburger buns
(anything else you like on your burger)

Heat a large cast iron skillet over medium to medium-high heat, if you have a cast iron griddle that would be better, you could cook all the burgers at once. I don't have one so I can only cook 1 or 2 as a time. 

Divide the beef into four equal balls, 1/4 pound each. Place them on parchment paper or plastic wrap making sure the balls have plenty of space in between them. Cover with another piece of parchment paper and use a rolling bin to flatten to about 1/2 an inch. 

Sprinkle with kosher salt and put it in the skillet salt side down. You should hear a nice sizzle, if you don't your skillet isn't hot enough. Salt the other side of the burger. Once you've put the burger on the skillet don't touch it, poke it or anything, just leave it alone and let it do it's thing. After 4 to 5 minutes, flip the burger, again leaving it alone to finish cooking. You can add cheese if you'd like. 

While your burgers are cooking preheat the oven to broil. Butter the buns and place them, butter side up, in the oven for 2 to 3 minutes. You can put them right on the oven rack or on a cookie sheet. Keep a close eye on them, you don't want them to burn. 

Once the burgers and buns are done, create the burger you love the most and enjoy. 


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