Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Were We've Been

I have a confession to make...I've been totally slacking on my blog. feels good to get that off my shoulders. 

Now that that's out of the way, I hereby promise, on my girl scout honor, to start going, full force, with my blog again. 

Anywho, here's what we've been up to lately. 

We've been spending loads of time outside, and when I say loads, I mean TONS. But, who can blame us?!? The weather's been awesome!!!
In all of this "outdoorzie" time we've encounter some neat looking insects. A fuzzy caterpillar, a spider that I caught because I wanted to Google it to make sure it wasn't poisonous. Don't worry, it wasn't, so I released it back into the wild, only not in our backyard were I found it. We also have a Praying Mantis that's made the bush in the front yard her new home, we named her Sylvia. 
We went apple picking at a cute little farm here in Winchester. 
Sebastian loved it, they have a picnic area were we had lunch and a little playground area for Sebastian to play on. 
I made Applesauce, Cinnamon Apples and an Apple Crostata, which was so good, thank you Ina Garten!!!
I've also been practicing my cookie decorating. 
Oh...and Kramer (our cat) and Sylvia are now friends.