Thursday, May 31, 2012

Things I do with Sebastian on Rainy Days

Look at that pitiful face :(

As many moms of young children know, a rainy day or rainy few days can be the worst. Here are some fun toddler activities I do with Sebastian to keep him (and who am I kidding, me) from going stir crazy being trapped in side all day.

Cookie Cutter Fun 
We brought these a few years back and we love them. They’re dishwasher safe so clean up is super easy. I just take the top off and give Sebastian the whole tub. He loves to turn it upside down and shake all of them out. I’ll put them in pile or in lines by colors and he’ll walk through the pile and knock them all over the place. Or we practice clean up, put them all in the tub and I give it to him to dump out again. 

I bought these at Wal-Greens for $10!!!

Alphabet Magnets
We recently got this Fridge Magnetic Alphabet thing from Wal-Mart. When you put a letter in the dog house it sings a little song about the letter and the noise the letter makes. Like “A says ah and A says ah, every letter makes a sound, A says ah”. Can you tell I’ve heard it a few billion times to have it memorized by now…ugh. But Sebastian loves it.   

Sorry for the fuzzy cell phone day I'll have a nice new camera!
Movie Time
Sebastian's absolute favorite movies are the Toy Story movies. He will actually sit down and watch an entire movie start to finish, but only if it’s Toy Story. Any other movie and he has no interest in watching it. So find the movie or show your little one loves and keep it in your DVD player on a rainy day.

Sebastian and his cousin Ava (aka Buggy)
Couch Cushion Fun
One day I had pulled all the couch cushions out to clean the couch and Sebastian started having a blast with the cushions. So now I’ll pull them out and lie them on the ground for him to have fun with. He loves to run around, jump and fall on them.

Letter’s to Loved Ones
Sebastian loves to draw and because he still likes to eat Crayons we had to buy some non-toxic erasable markers. All I have to do is give him a couple pieces of blank or construction paper and he goes to town. This one is for his cousin Ava.  I started the letter/picture and he finished it.

Read Books
Sebastian's favorite book is “Wheels on the Bus” or as he likes to call it “roun-roun”! We’ll read every book he has…well almost every book. It eat up time and gets him to love reading.

Play in the Rain
About two weeks ago it rained for almost the entire week. So then it stopped for about a hour I jumped on the change to take Sebastian out for a little fresh air.  I didn’t want to go into the yard and have a mess to clean up. So I just striped him down to his diaper and shoes, filled up a bowl of water and we played out on our deck.  *NOTE: only do this if it’s warm enough outside.    

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Home Grown

Yesterday, before the big storm hit, Sebastian and I went to Lowes to buy some gardening supplies. I was inspired when I found this in front of our house a couple of days ago.

I cute, right? 

This, along with my neighbor telling me that the woman who lived here before us was an avid gardener. Apparently she was out there everyday working on the lawn. I obviously had some big shoes to fill and since we've been here for almost 2 months and have done nothing to the yard I better get to work.

When we got to Lowes and were walking through the garden center I started to feel completely overwhelmed. Not only was it hot as hell outside but there were so many choices of different flowers, veggies, fruits and herbs. Tomatoes are one of Sebastian’s favs and I put basil on just about everything. So though "lets just start with those". 


Here's to hoping they grow big, and give up plenty of juicy tomatoes.


Monday, May 28, 2012

My Sister’s Staircase Picture Arrangement

My sister recently painted her walls and is now able to have all her pictures hung up, going up the staircase. This is how she was able to come up with a kick ass picture arrangement, without having to make a bunch of holes in her freshly painted walls. First she got all the pictures she knew she wanted to hang up. Second she traced them out on paper or poster board and taped those up. She was able to rearrange them until she had the perfect layout going up her staircase. 

Once she had the design she wanted all she had to do was hang up the pictures.  How easy is that?  And those pictures look awesome! 


Beach Ball Sprinkler

On Friday we were at Wal-Mart and I spotted this Beach Ball Sprinkler in the pool section. I remember seeing it once on a “Jon and Kate plus Eight” episode and thought I would give it a try. I mean, why not it’s only $12.97.  Well, I can definitely say it was a hit at our house. Sebastian loves it and if I let him, would play with it for hours. We've already saturated our backward today from having it on so long. We had a little baby pool set up for him but he kept throwing dirt and grass into it. So this is perfect for him!!!  

You can't really see in the video but the water is spraying out everywhere, see the darkness (not sure if that's a word) on the fence? It's wet. If you have young kids you should get it. Well worth the money spent. 


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

OMG…Pork Chops anyone?

So, this passed Thursday as we were sitting down eating dinner, Dave and I are trying to hear each others words over the loud screams coming from the little man throwing his food on the floor.  Dave was in the middle of cracking a joke then it happened…I choked!!! 

Now, I don’t mean I choked like when you choke a little bit but are able to cough it up or swallow it down with some water, I mean I was full blown choking.  I couldn’t breathe in or out and couldn’t even make a sound to get Dave’s attention.  So in the midst of my brain screaming “PANIC” I did the only thing I could think of I started smacking the table as hard as I could, like a monkey getting ready to attack. 

I was already on my feet and getting in the Heimlich position, when Dave finally looks up from his plate to find out what was wrong with me.  As he runs over to me, he gets behind me and all I can think is “He better save me, I gonna be so pissed if he f*#^s this up”!  So there we are, Dave has his arms around me, me getting ready to get mad at him if he doesn’t save me and waiting for him to start and that’s then he asks “are you ready?”…

Seriously, seriously how the hell does he think I’m going to answer him?  He can’t see my face, I can’t breathe let alone talk and that’s when it hit me “this is it, I’m gonna die…choking on pork chops”.  As I was determined to see another day, I did the only thing I could think of.  I started to go into convulsions, shaking my whole body as hard as I could, hoping that would be enough to give Dave the okay he needed to start.  He did and he must be stronger then I thought, because with one hard pump all the air in my lungs came out of me hard enough to make that piece of pork chop, along with everything else in my stomach, come flying out.  He also squeezed a little pee out of me!  As I take a deep breath in and ran to the kitchen sink to finish my little throw up session and came to the realization that I just pee’d my pants, I hear Dave saying “I am NOT cleaning that up”!

When I was done hanging my head over the sink, I look over at Dave feeling so embarrassed for choking and throwing up all over the place, the only words I can udder were “I pee’d my pants”.  Then I make a bee line for the stair to go clean up.  Then I came down stairs to join my family for the rest of dinner, Dave had cleaned up my puke and he and Sebastian were sitting at the dinner table.  Dave, not quite sure what to say, just looked at me.  I walked over to him, lent down, kissed him and said “well as least you’ll never gonna live a dull day being married to me” and we couldn’t stop laughing for the rest of the night.