Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Home Grown

Yesterday, before the big storm hit, Sebastian and I went to Lowes to buy some gardening supplies. I was inspired when I found this in front of our house a couple of days ago.

I cute, right? 

This, along with my neighbor telling me that the woman who lived here before us was an avid gardener. Apparently she was out there everyday working on the lawn. I obviously had some big shoes to fill and since we've been here for almost 2 months and have done nothing to the yard I better get to work.

When we got to Lowes and were walking through the garden center I started to feel completely overwhelmed. Not only was it hot as hell outside but there were so many choices of different flowers, veggies, fruits and herbs. Tomatoes are one of Sebastian’s favs and I put basil on just about everything. So though "lets just start with those". 


Here's to hoping they grow big, and give up plenty of juicy tomatoes.


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