Monday, May 28, 2012

Beach Ball Sprinkler

On Friday we were at Wal-Mart and I spotted this Beach Ball Sprinkler in the pool section. I remember seeing it once on a “Jon and Kate plus Eight” episode and thought I would give it a try. I mean, why not it’s only $12.97.  Well, I can definitely say it was a hit at our house. Sebastian loves it and if I let him, would play with it for hours. We've already saturated our backward today from having it on so long. We had a little baby pool set up for him but he kept throwing dirt and grass into it. So this is perfect for him!!!  

You can't really see in the video but the water is spraying out everywhere, see the darkness (not sure if that's a word) on the fence? It's wet. If you have young kids you should get it. Well worth the money spent. 


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