Friday, January 24, 2014

Getting Stuff Done!!!

Today is a SNOW DAY...well yesterday was too and the day before that and the day before that also. We got a total of about 8 inches of snow on Tuesday. All that snow and the fact that it's super cool outside and I mean COOL like so cool you can only last 5 to 10 minutes before wanted to come back inside. As I'm typing this it is currently 4 degrees Fahrenheit outside with a real feel of -2. BURRRRRRRRR

I took this picture yesterday morning, Thursday, day 3 since it started to snow. Sebastian's preschool has been closed all week. With us being stuck inside I wanted to pull my hair out half way through the day on Tuesday. Now don't get me wrong I love the snow but when it's so cool that you can't even go outside and enjoy it...forget it I'M DONE!  

But with my new and improved attitude about life I'm trying to take advantage of this time inside by GETTING STUFF DONE!!! I made a list of stuff I wanted to get done yesterday and I actually got it all done! First let me tell you I am one of those crazy list makers and secondly I'm one that NEVER finish everything on my list but yesterday I did! WHOOT WHOOT

Here's the list, forgive the crazy handwriting. I did everything in order which come to think of it is probably why I was able to get everything done. 

I cleaned and organized the fridge and freezer. Can I tell you I haven't clean it in a very long time, so long that there was a salad dressing in the door that expired in July of last year! 

I also organized the pantry.

Okay so the pantry doesn't really look that much better but as least it a little more organized. 

If you've been stuck inside this week, like me, I hope you're not going crazy with cabin fever! 

~ Stephanie

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Years Resolutions 2014

Hello 2014...I've always been the type of person to have loads of new years resolutions but like most people only end up following through with one or two. So this year I'm going to try something a little different, instead on saying "I'm going to lose all my weight, workout everyday before 10am, and so on". I'm going to set goals and reminders of thing I want to change about myself or thing I want to do this year. I broke them down into two list one personal list and one professional list. Lets get started shall we! 


~ Work out more, I'm aiming for cardio 5x a week and strength training 3-4x a week, I know that may seem like a lot for some people but I really do like working out and LOVE the way I feel afterwards.
~ Eat Healthier, I totally need to eat more fruits and veggies. I really don't get enough and need to make myself eat them before eating anything else. What I need to cut back on is sugar, I have way too much and need to check myself before I wreck myself.
~ Be more like the person I want to be, I once read this quote that said "You must begin to think of yourself as becoming to person you want to be". I love this quote and want to become more of the person I want to be...if that makes any since. 
~ Read more, I'm aiming for 2 book; 1 fictional and 1 non-fictional.
~ Be more organized, okay so I know this is probably on everyone's list, but I'm really disorganized and ALWAYS forget things. It's actually really bad I've forgotten to pay bills before and once forgot to pay our rent! Likely Dave asked me about it on the 1st and was able to drive over to our landlords house and drop it off! 
~ Take more pictures, I took so many pictures in 2012 and then 2013 came and it just STOP! I'm still not sure why, I just stop taking a lot of pictures. But I'm definitely going to make that a priority this year.  
~ Take better care of my body and mind, I've started doing what I call "Sunday Spa Day" at home lately. I'll take a nice long bath, give myself a facial, mani-pedi, deep condition my hair, meditate and sometimes Dave will even give me a massage. It's actually becoming a little habit and I love it!
~ Sign Language, I already know a lot of the basic word and the alphabet but don't use it. I want to learn more and teach Sebastian. I'd love to be able to have a conversation only using signs by the end of the year.
~ Bucket List, I have a crazy long bucket list I made about 7 years ago and have been added to it ever since. My goal is to complete 5 things off that list this year!


~ Get a full time job, know that Sebastian's getting a older...ugh just typing that makes me sad my baby is 3 now, we've decided to put him in daycare full-time. He just loves the preschool he goes to now but it's only two days a week for 4 hours. Plus it will be nice to get back into the "normal" world and have some adult conversations besides my husband and sisters!
~ Grow Sweets by Stephie, I just love my little growing cookie baking business! I really want it to grow bigger and bigger. 
~ BLOG, BLOG, BLOG AND VLOG, I love blogging and really do what to get back into it. I also want to start making video for my YouTube channel. I want to start gearing this blog into more of a lifestyle blog where I can discuss everything from food, makeup, weight loss, babies, crafts and anything else I love!

I hope you have a great 2014!!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

June 2013

June has been a very busy month for us. Lots of birthdays plus the start of summer. Okay, okay I'm just trying to make an excuse as to why, yet again, I didn't take a lot of pictures. I have a lot of things on my mind and taking picture is the last thing I remember to do. But here's what I got, sorry most are cell phone pictures. 

Dave and Sebastian at a local park. 

Sebastian has this weird thing that he's been doing lately. He make Dave hold his stuffed Woody and Buzz dolls and then stands on Dave. He does this every single day when Dave gets home from work.

We went strawberry picking, read more about that here.

Sebastian and I both got Poison Ivy. I'm not real sure how I got it on my forehead. That seems to be the only area I can get it because the two previous times I've gotten Poison Ivy it was on my forehead. Very weird!!!

Dave's OCD is rubbing off on Sebastian. Not only does he always line all his toys up but now he's taking things out of kitchen draw and lining them up. Just today he lined up all my measuring cups smallest to biggest. 

I just love this picture. 

Well that's all for now, I've been really busy with orders and getting Sweets by Stephie up and running. If you haven't checked out my new business please do!

xoxo ~ Stephie

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Strawberry Picking

We went strawberry picking over the weekend. It was actually really fun minus these darn nats or fruit fly's or whatever you want to call them. Jeez they were everywhere. It wasn't too hot out and there was an overcast so the sun wasn't beating down on us. We went to Hollin Farms which is about a 30 minutes drive from our house. 

In typical Sebastian fashion he wanted to play with the gravel.

It was a beautiful view, look at that background?

Dave trying to show Sebastian how it's done.

Sebastian finally got the hang of it.

I told you here was a lot of fruit fly's. 

Here's all our strawberries. We ate most of them that day, they were so good!!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Jumping into Spring

Wow...It's been a hot second since I've posted on this blog. Busy, Busy, Busy! I'll try to cram as much as I can into this post to get everyone caught up.

So lets jump right in, March... 
We had some snow in March!!!
Hahah...Dave's probably not going to by happy that I posted this picture. Sorry babe, I couldn't resist. 
My poor baby had an accident with a swing at the park. 
But it's nothing a doughnut can't fix!
My little explorer :) 
Dying eggs the night before Easter and Easter morning.
Helping mommy do the dish after Easter dinner. 

I didn't get a lot of pictures in April, not sure why. New goal TAKE MORE PICTURES!!!
 We landscape the front yard.
I love the look on his face.
We finally had some warm weather and were able to stay in the back yard for more then 15 minutes.
Dave lost a bet and had to do the dishes. Again probably not a picture he wanted me to post. 

Again not that many pictures
We had some days that were hot enough for me to break out the paddle pool. YEA bring on summer!!!

My baby is getting so big!
 Helping me in the kitchen

Well that's pretty much it. I will try to remember to take more pictures. Also, I'll try to post more blogs. 

~ Stephie